
Which questions lend themselves to digitisation of the type of exam? What is the effect of digitisation on the other dimensions? What opportunities are there for going digital – and what are the associated advantages and disadvantages?

MCQ and similar tests Can minimise costs of marking. Risk of cheating is minimised if a lot of questions are used.
Written invigilated exam without aids Problematic and demanding in terms of resources. Risk of cheating. Possibility of checking digital answers for plagiarism.
Written invigilated exam with aids Fairly demanding in terms of resources. Risk of cheating. Possibility of checking digital answers for plagiarism.
Written paper Possibility of checking digital answers for plagiarism.
Portfolio Opportunity for the portfolio to incorporate electronic elements, e.g. audio and images. Easy distribution.
Logs Offers the opportunity for the log to incorporate electronic elements, e.g. audio, images, film.
Internship report Allows for inclusion of audio and video documentation, for example.
Oral exam/Viva without preparation Option of “remote examination”.
Oral exam/Viva with preparation without aids Option of “remote examination”.
Oral exam/Viva with preparation and aids Option for the exam to include electronic elements, and PowerPoint presentations, for example.
Student presentations Opportunity to use digital media as part of the presentation. The actual presentation can be given digitally.
Objective structured clinical exam Enables electronic media to be incorporated, e.g. audio and simulations.
Practical test Can potentially be taken at a different location and recorded digitally.
Active participation Opportunity to introduce wikis and blogs, for example, as elements of active participation.
Oral presentation based on synopsis The synopsis can be submitted digitally. Option of testing for plagiarism.
Written paper with oral defence Opportunity to test for plagiarism.
Portfolio and oral exam Opportunity for the portfolio to incorporate electronic elements, e.g. audio and images.
Project exam Opportunity to test for plagiarism.